RHES Literacy Night — organized and run by a dedicated committee of RHES teachers — is back!! Join us on Thursday, March 2nd, from 5:30 to 7:00 pm — with pizza to be provided by the PTA. Thank you to the teachers planning this event!

Save the date for a Community Night Out at Mamma Lucia in Silver Spring (1302 East-West Highway) on February 16th from 4-9pm. On February 16th, guests can dine in, carry out, or order delivery (directly from Mamma Lucia) and mention “Rosemary Hills” and 15% of your subtotal will be donated back to RHES PTA by Mamma Lucia. Orders must be directed to the Silver Spring location only. Thank you, Mamma Lucia!

Join us on Saturday, February 11th, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m., for Multicultural Night at Rosemary Hills Elementary School. The PTA is excited to bring back this wonderful RHES tradition. It is a chance to celebrate all of the nationalities, ethnicities, and cultures that make up our RHES community. The whole family is invited to tour exhibit tables, enjoy cultural entertainment, and share in a multicultural dinner. We hope to compile a cookbook, too! We encourage you to wear clothing or costumes representing your cultural background. Please check your student’s backpack mail for more information; and please don’t hesitate to reach out to Simma Kupchan at simma.kupchan@gmail.com with any questions. We hope to see you there!

Come enjoy RHES Math Night with your family Thursday, January 19th, from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. We will play games, eat pizza, and you can even wear your pajamas. Learn fun math games to play at home! This event is organized and run by Rosemary Hills teachers/staff with pizza and bottled water provided by the PTA.
Pizza and socialize from 6:00 – 6:30 p.m.
Math game time from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.

The Rosemary Hills Elementary School PTA’s annual giving campaign — the Rhino Fund — is live!
This year, 100% of Rhino Fund donations will go directly to academic and instructional needs. Specifically, our fundraising goal of $30,000 is broken into two parts:
- $20,000 for teacher instructional support stipends, with the aim of doubling the reimbursement from $250 to $500. In order to achieve this goal, one of our PTA board members has offered to match all donations, dollar-for-dollar, up to $10,000, between now and December 31 — meaning any contribution you make will have double the impact. This money goes directly toward reimbursing teachers for money spent on buying books, science kits, math manipulatives, craft supplies, dynamic seating, fidgets, bulletin board and seasonal decor, educational games, building materials, literacy resources, student rewards (sticker, treasures, etc.), everyday classroom supplies, and much more!
- $10,000 for assemblies, enrichment program scholarships, and other academic needs identified by the school
If you are able, please donate by sending a check made out to the Rosemary Hills Elementary School PTA to the PTA mailbox at our school’s address or by donating online.
RHES PTA is a registered 501(c)(3) organization (Tax ID number is 52-6070776). Charitable contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
We are honored by your support!

The Rosemary Hills PTA is teaming up with Kids After Hours for another joint event on Friday, January 6th – Kids’ and Caregivers’ Night Out! Drop your kids off (any kid over 5 — regardless of what school they attend — is welcome) at the RHES Kids After Hours on Friday, January 6th from 6:30-9:30pm for a fun-filled night of pizza, inflatables, face painting, gym games, and a movie while you get a chance to go out kid-free! The cost for Kids After Hours is $20 and more information can be found here: https://www.kidsafterhours.com/school…/kids-night-out//. Pre-registration is STRONGLY encouraged for planning purposes.
Kids After Hours will generously donate 50% of the proceeds from this night to the PTA. Thank you, KAH!
If you’re looking for a place to celebrate your night of freedom, some of the local restaurants that have supported us over the years include All Set, Avalon Theatre, Potomac Pizza, Uncle Julio’s, Talia’s Cuzina, Pizzeria Da Marco, Dog Haus, Kusshi Sushi, and Silver Branch Brewing Company.

The PTA will again be partnering with Little Scholars to offer our Rhinos after-school enrichment classes this winter, beginning the week of January 9th. Classes will be held from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at RHES. Families must arrange for after-class pick up. This winter’s schedule is as follows:
Tuesdays: Upcycled Art, Karate, Comic Creations (Comic Creations is 1st and 2nd grade only)
Wednesdays: Magnus Chess Academy, Whiz Kids (STEM), Design the Runway
Thursdays: DC Lab Break Dance Academy, Builders, Theatre (with Round House Theatre)
Registration begins on Wednesday, December 12, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. and ends on Thursday, December 22, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. No late registrations will be accepted.
Visit www.littlescholarsllc.com/rosemary-hills/ to register!
A flyer will be sent home through backpack mail with class descriptions and registration information. If you are in need of a scholarship, please email president@rhpspta.org.

Please join us for the second PTA general meeting of the year on Tuesday, December 6th, from 7:00 to 8:00 pm by Zoom only. In addition to general PTA business, Principal Rebecca Irwin Kennedy will be joining us to share information regarding safety/emergency preparedness, and Ms. Veronica Munoz will provide an overview of the MCPS standardized assessments that you likely discussed with your child’s teacher during caregiver conferences. We also have an exciting announcement to kick off this year’s Rhino Fund, the PTA’s annual end-of-the-year giving campaign. The meeting link will be posted to our Calendar. All are welcome to attend, regardless of PTA membership status.

The date has been set! Join us on Saturday morning, November 12, 2022, for the PTA’s annual Rhino Run — an early morning fun run and dance party — sponsored by Ian Velinsky of Compass Realty (dad of Levi in 1st grade).
You can register or sponsor a runner by clicking here.

From Monday, October 17th through Saturday, November 12th (the day of the Rhino Run), the PTA will be collecting non-perishable food items to help local families over the Thanksgiving holiday. Collection boxes will be located in each classroom.
Please have your child bring in canned or dried goods such as soup, cornbread mix, stuffing mix, crackers, canned and dried fruit, cooking oil, peanut butter, jelly, instant potatoes, coffee, canned pumpkin, canned vegetables, canned cranberry sauce, whole grain pasta, pasta sauce, brown rice, beans and lentils, quinoa, and seasonings. PLEASE NOTE THAT WE CANNOT ACCEPT GLASS.
Please consider sponsoring a Thanksgiving Box (or two or three…) by clicking here.
Stay tuned for more information regarding volunteer needs for November 12th. Packing the boxes is a big undertaking, so we’ll need your help if you’re able!